

Baty SM300 - Profile Projector

Baty SM300 - Profile Projector
Baty SM300 - Profile Projector
Baty SM300 - Profile Projector
Baty SM300 - Profile Projector

300mm screen vertical light path projector with multi-function readout unit and printer.

Robust design with full geometric measuring functionality ideal for the shop floor.

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Applications Profile Projector
Industries Aerospace, Civil Infrastructure, Commercial Services, Defence & Security, Education & Research, Manufacturing, Mining, Oil & Gas, Power Generation, Utilities - Electricity and Water
  • Top quality profile projector highly versatile and easy to operate
  • Large travel range 150mm x 50mm (6”x 2”) as standard
  • Linear scale stage with 0.0005mm resolution
  • Fine ground glass screen for clear image with cross hairs
  • Screen complete with cross hair lines and chart clips
  • Built-in profile and surface illumination
  • 10x, 20x, 50x, 100x projection lenses available
  • Display-readout unit GMR included in standard delivery
Baty SM300 - Profile Projector

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