The EDAX Lambda™ wavelength dispersive spectroscopy (WDS) spectrometers are state-of-the-art for improved accuracy and precision, guaranteeing the best results for your materials analysis.
Designed for parallel beam operation, the Lambda spectrometers are available in models:
1. EDAX Lambda Plus – Delivers the maximum efficiency for transition element energies from 150 eV – 10 keV (B Kα to Ge Kα) using polycapillary optics
2. EDAX Lambda Super ‐ Combines polycapillary optics and patented dual optics design to provide the ultimate efficacy for light elements, especially B, C, N, and O, using high-collection, reflective x-ray optics
1. Compact design: Fits all scanning electron microscope (SEM) chambers with an available high-angle port. Installs on standard EDS port – No special chamber or port required
2. Sensitivity: Combines x-ray optics and compact design to deliver superior count rates
3. High count rates and peak-to-background ratios: Rapid x-ray analysis at the best resolution available. Excellent resolution of the K lines of transition elements. Able to resolve most elemental overlaps
4. Ease of alignment: Automated routines improve the operation, performance, and accuracy of data
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