Every year, people suffer injury or death resulting from intersection-related crashes when traffic signals fail to work during power outages. These outages are typically due to the failure of the aging, stressed US grid, and are not going to improve any time soon.
Thus, federal, state, and city governments have been proactively providing backup power for signals and crossing equipment to keep the power on and intersections safe. When a traffic signal is backed up, the habitual solutions are batteries or generators. Batteries are inherently unreliable, generally cannot carry the load for long
durations while generators emit harmful air and noise emissions, do not start reliably, and require high maintenance.
Altergy has developed a better solution, using its breakthrough hydrogen fuel cell power systems to deliver clean, sustainable, reliable power, cost-effective when the grid fails.
The Freedom Power Traffic Signal Platform (TSP) is the only fully integrated fuel cell solution for traffic signals on the market today.
Altergy’s Freedom Power Traffic Signal Platform (TSP):
The dangers of crossing a railroad track on foot, bicycle, or in a vehicle are well known. To mitigate these dangers and assure public safety, railroad operators install crossing gates, crossing bells, crossing lights, approaching train lights, and other safety measures. These safety measures operate on electricity supplied by the grid.
When power outages occur, these safety measures are inoperable, increasing the safety risk. Power outages occur frequently and are increasing in both number and duration. These outages are caused by equipment failure, weather, accidents, age and deterioration of the grid itself, and the ever-increasing load on the grid. Some railroad infrastructure is backed up by batteries and or generators. Batteries generally cannot carry the load for long durations, while generators emit harmful air and noise emissions, do not start reliably and require high maintenance.
Altergy has developed a better solution, using its breakthrough hydrogen fuel cell power systems to deliver clean, sustainable, reliable power, cost-effectively, when the grid fails. This system can stand alone or operate with an optional, integrated multi-volt, multi-stage, multi-battery type charger to extend the battery runtime and assure public safety.
With the largest deployed fleet of hydrogen fuel cells in telecom, Altergy is the trusted backup power partner since 2001.
Altergy’s Freedom Power System for Railroads:
Please, view the brochure for product key features.
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