

WingtraOne GEN II

WingtraOne GEN II
WingtraOne GEN II
WingtraOne GEN II
WingtraOne GEN II
WingtraOne GEN II
WingtraOne GEN II
WingtraOne GEN II

WingtraOne GEN II — a next-generation VTOL drone with an oblique payload for high-quality 3D mapping, advanced reliability algorithms, and PPK on every drone for every payload.

Map faster

WingtraOne Gen II’s unique set of features empowers you to minimize your time flying and get more work done, be it another project in the field or analyzing your data at the office.

  • Efficient fixed-wing flight
  • 42 MP camera
  • No more GCPs, checkpoints only
  • Lower image overlaps

Map larger

Whether it’s a highway, an industrial complex or a mine, you can now take on large projects that were previously impossible to map with a drone. And it takes you just a few hours.

Map anywhere

Thanks to its VTOL design, WingtraOne can take-off and land almost anywhere—even in confined spaces or on rough terrain. This enables you to collect data where other drones cannot. WingtraOne’s camera never comes into contact with the ground, meaning no debris scratching your camera lens and thus a longer equipment lifetime.

Cut costs

Faster data collection and expanded coverage mean fewer people in the field for less time, lowering the man-hour costs associated with data collection.

A camera for every job

WingtraOne makes no compromises on aerial image quality. Whether you need data for orthophotos, 3D models, or multispectral mapping, WingtraOne carries the best camera for every application. As you exchange cameras in the field, various types of data can be acquired with the same drone.

Software for a smooth workflow

WingtraOne comes with a rugged tablet and a feature-rich, easy-to-use flight planning app, so you can perform successful data collection from day one.

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Applications Aerial Survey & Mapping
Industries Civil Infrastructure, Commercial Services, Defence & Security, Education & Research, Mining, Oil & Gas, Utilities - Electricity and Water
  • Brand new OBLIQUE payload integration for finest 3D map quality
  • PPK integrated on every drone, including with multispectral payloads
  • Next level electronics infrastructure
  • Self-diagnosis, fail-safe algorithms, and services for dependable operations
  • And much more…
WingtraOne GEN II

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